Cash drawer
Pole display
Weighing scale
Payment terminal
Billing counter
System configurations

Barcode scanner

Connect wired, USB, and Bluetooth barcode scanners and scan product barcodes to add items to carts easily.

Connect to barcode scanners

Barcode printer

Connect to wired barcode printers and accurately print product labels for easy identification and an efficient billing process.

Connect to barcode printers

Receipt printer

Connect to wired and Bluetooth thermal printers and print customized printed receipts directly from Zakya.

Connect to receipt printers

Cash drawer

Connect any wired cash drawer and automatically enable the opening of the cash drawer for every cash-based transaction.

Connect to cash drawers

Customer pole display

Connect to a range of customer pole displays and show the transaction details such as the item-wise price and overall bill amount to enhance billing transparency in your store.

Connect to customer pole displays

Weighing scale

For items priced by weight, Zakya can be integrated with any weighing scale to measure the weight and apply the price to the transaction.

Connect to weighing scales

Payment terminal

Connect to electronic data capture devices from Paytm and Pine Labs and accept payments by card, wallet, and UPI transactions. Through the tight integration between Zakya and the payment terminal, the transaction amount is immediately sent to the device so you can provide faster checkouts.

Connect to payment terminals

Portable billing counter

Manage your store operations on the go with the Zakya mobile billing application. Your salesperson can manage billing by downloading the Zakya POS application for iOS and Android and bill customers from anywhere.

Connect to portable billing counters

Zakya system configurations

Windows counter billing application

Manage credit based transactions

Web application for back office

Manage credit based transactions

Zakya POS Mobile billing application

Manage credit based transactions
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