Enable SMS Notifications powered by Zakya
SMS notifications can be sent by using the free SMS offered by Zakya, or by purchasing Credits.
To enable SMS notifications
- Go to Settings > Integrations > SMS Notifications.
- Click Use Free SMS.
- To purchase credits, do the following:
- Click Buy Credits.
- Click Buy Now under Manage Nonrecurring add-ons.
- Select the number of SMS Credits Add-on from the drop-down list and click Continue.
- Click Proceed to Pay.
Continue to make the payment.
- Click Buy Credits.
Enable external SMS provider: Twilio
In order to send SMS via Twilio, you need the following:
- A Twilio account. If you don't have a Twilio account, click here to create one.
- Account SID and Auth Token
- An active phone number. Click here to purchase a phone number from Twilio.
To enable Twilio
- Go to Settings > Integrations > SMS Notifications.
- Click Connect.
- Enter the Account SID, Auth Token, and Phone Number, then click Connect with Twilio.
Configure SMS Notification
Various types of SMS notifications are available which can be enabled or disabled based on your requirements.
To configure SMS Notification
- Go to Settings > SMS Notifications.
- Click Configure or select the SMS Templates tab.
- Enable the Notification Status toggle switch for the appropriate Notification Type.
You can preview SMS content by clicking the Preview icon.
Enable SMS for Contact Persons
SMS will automatically be sent to the primary contact of the customer once SMS Notifications are enabled. You can manually enable SMS notifications to be sent to the Contact Persons if required.
To enable SMS Notifications for contact person
- Go to Customers module and select a record.
- Click the Settings icon next to the Contact Person and click Enable SMS Notification.
Disable SMS Notifications for a customer
SMS notifications can be disabled for the customer. You can either disable it for the primary and the contact persons, or for any one of them.
To disable SMS notification for the customer
- Go to Customers module and select a record.
- Click More > Disable SMS Notification.
To disable SMS notification for the primary contact
- Go to Customers module and select a record.
- Click Disable SMS option next to the Primary Contact.
To disable SMS notification for the contact person(s)
- Go to Customers module and select a record.
- Click the Settings icon next to the Contact Person and click Disable SMS Notification.