Once a Sales Order is created, multiple actions can be performed to ensure your business has smooth sailing. For any sales order generated, one of the crucial steps is to record a payment for it. A Sales Order without a payment status cannot be included in the sale transaction that occurred, and it will not have any impact in the physical stock purchased and stored.

Record Payment
Payment made by the customer for a sales order can be recorded in the Payment Details section. The option to record a payment will only be available if the payment status is Unpaid.
To record payment
- Open the Zakya POS web application.
- Go to Business > Sales > Order.
- In the Fulfil Sales Order section, select either Convert to Invoice or Instant Invoice.
- Fill in the required details, then click Save and Send. Alternatively, raise an Instant Invoice.
- Click the three lines nest the generated invoice, then select Record Payment.
- Enter the Amount and select the Payment Mode from the dropdown list.
- Enter the Reference# and Payment Date, add a Note if required.
- Select Notify via SMS to send a notification regarding the payment to the customer.
- Select Notify via SMS to send a notification regarding the payment to the customer.
- Select Email a "thank you" note for this payment to send an acknowledgement to the customer.
- Click Record Payment.
Edit or delete a payment record
To edit or delete payment details, hover over the Payments Received section and click either the Edit or the Delete icon.

Delivery Status
This section displays information about the status of delivery for the items in the sales order.
It has the following stages:
It has the following stages:
- Home Delivery - Pending: A package is yet to be created for a sales order.
- Home Delivery - Partially Packed: Only some items in the sales order are packed and are ready to be shipped.
- Home Delivery - Packed: All the items in the sales order are packed.
- Home Delivery - Partially Shipped: Only some of the packages that were created for a sales order are shipped.
- Home Delivery - Shipped: All the packages created for a sales order are shipped.
- Home Delivery - Delivered: The packages have been delivered to the customer.
- Fulfilled: When the customer received all the items during the checkout process at the POS.
Create a package
A package can be created for the items that are listed in the sales order, which can then be shipped. You can create a single package for all the items or create multiple packages if required.
To record payment
- Go to the Zakya POS web application.
- Go to Business > Sales > Order.
- Go to the Packages tab and click New Package.
- In the New Package tab, the Package Slip and Date will be auto-filled but can be edited according to preference.
- Click Save.
Ship Package
The packages that were created for a sales order can be shipped from the Delivery status section. You can either ship manually or via carrier.
To ship a package
- Open the Package tab from the Sales Orders page.
- Click Ship and select either Ship Manually or Ship via Carrier.
- To Ship Manually, select the Carrier type from the drop-down, enter the date, package number, shipment order, and click Save.
- To ship via Carrier, select the external Carrier sources, set up the account, and click Save.
This section will be available only if the items in the sales order are canceled or returned.
Return Items
A Return Material Authorization (RMA) or Sales Return is created when items/products purchased by the customer are returned to the seller due to various reasons such as expired or damaged products, ordering a wrong item, and so on. Once the items are returned, the seller can refund the amount for the returned items. This information can be tracked in Zakya, and the stock will be adjusted accordingly.
Credit-only goods
If an item is returned by the customer because it's damaged, that item will not be included in the total stock. When this option is selected in a sales return, the Return Details section will be divided into two:
- Receivable Quantity: The quantity of the item that is in good condition.
- Credit-Only: The quantity of items that are damaged or expired that can't be included in the total stock.
To return items
- Go to the Zakya POS web application.
- Navigate to Business > Sales > Orders.
- Open a sales order and click on Create > Sales Return.
- Enter the RMA#, Date, and Reason.
- Select the checkbox if the sales return contains credit-only goods.
- Enter the Return Details.
- Click Save.
Initiate Refund
Refunds can only be initiated if all the items that were returned by the customer are received by the seller. In Zakya, the sales return has to be marked as Received before initiating a refund.
To mark a sales return as received
- Go to the Zakya POS web application.
- Go to Business > Sales > Orders.
- Select the Cancellations/Returns tab in the sales orders details page.
- Click + Initiate Refund.
- Click Proceed in the popup to mark the items as received.
- You will be redirected to the appropriate sales return. Click Receive.
- Select the Receive Date and enter the Quantity to Receive.
- Click Save.
To initiate a refund
- Select the Cancellations/Returns tab in the sales orders details page.
- Create a Credit Note, then click the three dots.
- Select Refund.
- Enter the Amount.
- Select the Payment Mode from the dropdown list.
- Enter the Reference# and select the Refunded On date.
- Click Save.
Cancel Items
Refunds can only be initiated if all the items that were returned by the customer are received by the seller. In Zakya, the sales return has to be marked as Received before initiating a refund.
To cancel items
- Navigate to Business > Sales > Orders and select a sales order.
- Click the three dots, then select Cancel Items.
- Enter the Sales Cancel#, Date, and specify the Reason.
- Enter the quantity in the Cancel Quantity column in the table.
- Click Save.
Mark as fulfilled/ Un-fulfiled
The sales order can be marked as fulfilled once the items have been delivered to the customer.
To mark a sales order as fulfilled
- Go to Sales > Orders and select a sales order.
- Click the three dots, then select Mark shipment as fulfilled.
- Choose a fulfilment type:
- Complete Fulfillment - The whole order will be marked as Fulfilled.
- Partial Fulfilment - Select the Items that are fulfilled and click Save.
- To un-fulfill, Click the three dots and select Undo Fulfilment.
- Complete Un-fulfilment - The whole Order will be marked as Unfulfiled.
- Partial Un-Fulfilment - Select the Items that are to be marked as Un-fulfilled and click Save.
Convert to Purchase Order
When the stock on hand for a particular item in the sales order is low, the sales order can quickly be converted into a purchase order with a vendor.
To convert a sales order into a purchase order
- Go to Sales > Orders and select a sales order.
- Click on the three dots > Convert to Purchase Order.
- Fill the information in the New Purchase Order page and click Save and Send.
Creating Custom views in Sales Order
A business will often have hundreds if not thousands of Sales Orders generated in its lifetime. It is imperative to keep them all in a database, but at the same time, it is crucial to be able to view them with certain parameters. This is where Custom Views come in handly.
With Sales Orders in Zakya, a business can create a filter, set a criteria, and view the data accordingly. This will ensure in-depth and precise visualization of metrics. To do so:
- Navigate to Business > Sales > Orders.
- Click the three dots in the top bar of the Sales Orders page and select Manage Custom Fields.
- Click +New and provide a Label Name and Data Type.
- Choose whether or not to make mandatory, then click Save.