What's new in Zakya
View the complete list of all the updates to Zakya, your modern retail POS.
Generate batch-based item barcodes
EnhancementWe enhanced the item barcode generation by including batch numbers in the batch generation field. You can now generate barcodes for items based on their batch numbers and add them to customers' invoices and orders effortlessly.
We have introduced two new Zakya plans (Professional and Premium) designed to help boost productivity through tailored features for customization and automation. Whether you're a small business owner or managing a larger business with multiple warehouses and branches, we have you covered. Explore our pricing plans and choose the plan that fits your needs best!
Learn moreOctober
Integrate Envia with Zakya
NewYou can now integrate your Envia account with Zakya. Integrating Envia with Zakya can help you connect with multiple shipping carriers globally, especially the USA and Latin America, and manage all of your online shipping needs within Zakya, providing a seamless experience.
Integrate Shiprocket with Zakya
NewYou can now integrate your Shiprocket account with Zakya. Integrating Shiprocket with Zakya can help you connect with multiple shipping carriers globally, especially India, and manage all of your online shipping needs within Zakya to provide a seamless experience.
Supporting customization for WhatsApp Notifications reports
EnhancementYou can now customize your WhatsApp Notification report by adding specific columns and applying various criteria. This customized report can help you visualize crucial data and make informed decisions.
Supporting inter-state and intra-state transfer orders
EnhancementYou can now perform goods transfers to branches in other states, as well as transfers within the same state with two different GST numbers.
(Only applicable to the Zakya India Edition)
Introducing online payments and Multi-Pickup Station for mobile stores
NewWe introduced online payments to collect payments directly from mobile stores. We also introduced the Multi-Pickup Station so you can provide your customers with multiple locations to pick up orders placed through your mobile store.
Generated, canceled, and expired e-Way bills can now be printed or downloaded as a PDF
EnhancementYou can now download or print your generated, canceled, and expired e-Way bills and have them during transportation of goods if required.
Supporting custom views in search filters
EnhancementYou can now select your custom views in the advanced search filter.
Introducing IM Credits Usage reports for WhatsApp
EnhancementThis report allows you to understand the utilization of IM credits for each WhatsApp notification and manage your future usage accordingly.
Introducing embedded barcodes
NewYou can now configure Zakya to read barcodes generated via weighing machines with the embedded barcode feature.
Introducing data backups
NewWe introduced a data backup option in Zakya. You can now generate a backup of all records from the inventory start date to the present. A data backup can help you in the event of an inspection or during tax filing.
Read MoreJuly
Adding new fields in item barcode templates
EnhancementWe now provide additional fields like MRP, Organization Name, Organization Logo and Item Units in the barcode template configuration. These fields can help you create more effective item barcodes.
Generate Sales by Category reports based on invoices
EnhancementWe now support the Sales by Category report for invoices. These reports can help you optimize inventory, implement effective pricing, strategic marketing, promotions, and much more.
Include the Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) amount in modules
EnhancementWe now support Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) for the following modules: Sales Orders, Credit Notes, Purchase Orders, and Vendor Credits. You can add TDS for these transactions and modify the amount if required.
Supporting activity logs and audit trails for e-Way bills
EnhancementYou can now track activities performed in the e-Way platform to verify the accuracy of data, including who made the changes, when they were made, and what specific modifications occurred to detect potential errors, fraudulent activity, or unauthorized access to sensitive information.
(Only applicable to the Zakya India Edition)
Introducing purchase receives for services
NewYou can now create a purchase receive and verify whether all services included in their purchase orders have been fulfilled or not.
Now overwrite imports using a unique custom field
EnhancementWe now support custom fields for overwriting imports. To overwrite existing data, the custom field needs to be unique and should match the data in the import file.
Activate the Transaction Posting Date field in Bills
EnhancementWe now support Transaction Posting Date in the bill's field customization. This is the date on which the bill will be posted in your financial accounting ledger.
Scan items using barcodes for sales returns and sales return receives
EnhancementWe now support barcode scanning for sales returns and sales return receives. Items can be added via a barcode scanner for creating sales returns and sales return receives.
Define session prefix for registers
EnhancementTo improve the accuracy and traceability of transactions, the session prefixes can now be defined at the register level rather than at the organization level.
New user interface for Reports
EnhancementWe made some minor enhancements to the Reports interface to improve the overall user experience. We have also introduced a filter bar with appropriate filters to every report. This filter bar can now help you filter out unwanted data and generate a custom report based on your requirements.
Exporting vendor statements in bulk
EnhancementWe now provide support to export vendor statements in bulk. You can export a maximum of 2,500 vendor statements in a single tap.
Introducing multiple organization support
NewWe now provide support for multiple organizations. You can create or link multiple businesses with varying inventory, audience, marketing, and more and manage them using a single account.
Read MoreApril
Send payment reminders via WhatsApp notifications
EnhancementWe now provide support for payment reminder notifications through the WhatsApp integration. Like other templates, you need to enable, create, and get it approved by WhatsApp before sending it to customers.
Introducing sessions
NewWe introduced sessions to help you track cash flows that happen during a salesperson's shift. This will help you track the opening cash, closing cash with denominations, summary of sales, refunds, discounts offered, and discrepancies occurred during their shift.
Introducing e-Way bills
NewWe introduced the e-Way bill, a digitally generated document mandated by the Indian government for the transportation of goods under certain conditions. You can now generate e-Way bills with Zakya by simply entering the transporter's information, while the rest of the information is automatically fetched.
(Only applicable to the Zakya India Edition)
Read MoreIntroducing the delivery challan
NewWe introduced the delivery challan, a legal document necessary for transporting goods from one location to another, which may or may not result in sales. You can create and track them according to their status, such as draft, open, delivered, or returned, and convert them to an invoice if necessary.
Introducing Credit Note Details reports
NewThis report can help you simplify the process of reconciling customer accounts by providing a clear view of outstanding credit balances.
Integrate Worldline payment provider with Zakya
NewWe added Worldline payment provider to the list of payment providers, enhancing the payment options for Zakya. This integration supports electronic data capture (EDC) payments.
Send bulk messages through WhatsApp
EnhancementWe now provide support to send bulk WhatsApp notifications to customers. You can send notifications to up to 25 contacts at a time.
UPI IDs can be added in invoice QR codes
NewWe now provide support to configure UPI IDs in invoice QR codes. You can use this feature to collect payments from your customers by just sharing their invoice as a PDF.
(Only applicable to the Zakya India Edition)
Transfer orders can now be voided or saved as drafts
EnhancementWe introduced void and draft options for transfer orders. You can now void partially processed or completely processed transfer orders and convert them to drafts to make any necessary changes before processing them again.
Communicate with customers via WhatsApp
EnhancementWe now support in-application chat for our WhatsApp integration. You can initiate a chat with your customers directly from the Zakya web application by sending a WhatsApp notification.
Read MoreFebruary
Introducing Zakya, the modern retail POS
For any retail business offering a seamless customer experience can help the brand stand out, promote customer loyalty, and increase sales and the ROI. For this, you need a solution that can offer the complete package; right from managing your inventory, vendors, and customers, speeding up the checkout process with the help of billing applications. That's Zakya, the modern retail POS solution is here for you.
Read More2024
Version 2.6.5
NewYou can now generate multiple due invoices for a customer, collect payments as a single transaction, and convert them to paid invoices.
We have fixed a bug to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.6.4
EnhancementThis version of Zakya brings you the following enhancements to ease your billing experience:
- Filter orders and invoices by their status or sales channels.
- Confirm or decline pending sales orders from sales channels such as Zakya Mobile Store and Zoho Commerce.
- Fulfill door delivery and store pickup orders and invoices and undo them if necessary.
Version 2.6.3
Bug fixWe fixed a bug to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.6.3
Bug fixWe fixed a bug to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.6.2
NewYou can create barcodes for weighable items and swiftly add them to the cart.
This feature will be rolled out in the next few weeks. Stay up to date!
Version 2.6.1
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.6.0
EnhancementWe have made changes to support the upcoming enhancement to Roles and Permissions.
Version 2.5.3
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.5.2
Bug fixWe squashed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the application.
Version 2.5.1
EnhancementWe optimized the synchronization of item images to improve the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.5.0
EnhancementCredit sales are now restricted to registered customers only, excluding unregistered or walk-in consumers, to improve receivables tracking.
The Clear Conflicts option now helps identify and remove inactive price lists when a sales order is converted into an invoice.
Several bugs have been fixed to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.4.9
Bug fixWe squashed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the application.
Version 2.4.8
EnhancementIn this version, you can now search for an item using the serial number. You can also search for an item using the EAN code and all the corresponding items will be listed in the application. We have squashed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the application.
Version 2.4.7
EnhancementYou can now include fields like branch name, org name, and expiry date in your print profiles on request. We also support dynamic height adjustments for the images added to your print profiles.
Version 2.4.6
Bug fixThe app now supports POS preferences which lets you access the sessions page based on the user's role and permission. We have also fixed a few issues in Sessions to offer a seamless experience.
The Official Launch of Zakya in India
Version 2.4.5
Bug fixWe fixed a few issues to enhance the overall performance of the application.
Version 2.4.4
Bug fixWe fixed an issue related to synchronizing data while logging in to the application.
Version 2.4.3
EnhancementWe introduced various changes in the app to help enhance the user experience with the help of pop-ups. We also squashed a few bugs for a seamless experience.
Version 2.4.2
EnhancementWe made changes to support upcoming POS preferences related to item quantity.
Version 2.4.1
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the application.
Version 2.4.0
NewIn this update, we introduced the following:
- An option to create sales orders and invoices separately, or create an invoice for a particular sales order.
- Add and manage the "Ship to" address for a customer.
- View all the orders and invoices in real time and confirm the pending ones.
- Associate a salesperson to an order or invoice.
Version 2.3.2
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the application.
Bug fixWe fixed an issue for scanning items using barcodes and squashed a few bugs to enhance the user experience of the application.
Version 2.3.0
EnhancementWe enhanced the user interface while adding items to the cart in Standard view. We also optimized the overall performance of the application.
Version 2.2.0
NewWe introduced Sessions in Zakya to help track the sales and cash activities that took place during a particular interval.
Version 2.1.3
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the application.
Version 2.1.2
Bug fixWe optimized the performance of the application while adding price lists to a sale.
Version 2.1.1
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the app.
Version 2.1.0
NewFor touch screen devices, we introduced options to customize the item's tile size and the cart display based on your requirements. We also revamped the user interface and squashed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience.
Version 2.0.0
NewIn this update, we introduced the following:
- Support for branches and warehouses.
- Keyboard shortcuts are now available to carry out all actions in the application. You can also minimize the application, if required.
- A floating keyboard will now be available while modifying items in the cart.
Version 1.1.4
NewWe introduced support to select custom print receipts from the Windows application.
Version 1.1.3
EnhancementWe enhanced the user interface for adding or associating customer information with a sales order. We also fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall user experience.
Version 1.1.2
EnhancementWe enhanced the user interface of the cart and fixed a few bugs related to the price list.
Version 1.1.1
EnhancementThe user interface is enhanced to help you view more items in the cart with a compact view, open the items added to your cart with a single click, and make changes as required. We also included a search option to help you add the appropriate price list to the sale.
Version 1.1.0
NewStart receiving payments from the Zakya Windows application using Pine Labs. The user experience of modifying the items in the cart and various other sales operations has been enhanced, too.
Version 1.0.5
EnhancementWe enhanced the receipts by including the tax split up that's part of the total bill amount.
Version 1.0.4
EnhancementWe enhanced the user experience while logging into the Windows application.
Version 1.0.3
Bug fixWe fixed bugs to display the discount set by a price list in the transactions and the print receipt pages.
Version 1.0.2
NewWe introduced custom tenders, which let you receive payments via cash, card, or UPI. You can also create a credit sale, and a lot more. The total bill amount can be split between multiple payment options.
Version 1.0.1
NewWe introduced an option to apply price lists either to the item or to the total bill amount. You can also add notes to the items added to the cart. The Settings page was also revamped to enhance the user experience.
Version 1.0.0
NewWe launched the beta version of the Zakya application for the Windows operating system.
Version 3.6.5
Bug fixWe improved the user interface and fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.6.4
Bug fixWe have fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.6.3
Bug fixWe have fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.6.2
Bug fixWe have fixed a bug to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.6.1
Bug fixWe have fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.6.0
NewThis latest version brings you some exciting features!
- The Sales module has been renamed to Cart.
- Create both orders and invoices based on your requirements.
- Associate a salesperson with orders and invoices and track their performance.
- Load sales orders at checkout and generate an invoice.
- Add, edit, and choose an address for delivery.
- View orders and invoices with details like payment status, delivery status, amount, and more on the Orders and Invoices screen.
Version 3.5.2
Bug fixWe have fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.5.1
Bug fixWe have fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.5.0
NewYou can now process payments in your application via Integrated Payment Terminals and Dynamic UPI QR Codes.
Version 3.4.3
NewYou can now share feedback, request features, and report issues directly from your mobile application.
We have also improvised the user interface to enhance the overall user experience.
Version 3.4.2
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs and improved the user interface to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.4.1
NewYou can now opt to automatically close the Billed Successfully screen and move from one sale to the next.
We have also improvised the user interface to enhance the overall user experience.
Version 3.4.0
NewYou can now use force full synchronization to reset the existing data and configurations and completely re-synchronize your Zakya web and iOS application.
You can create unique barcodes for items based on their weight and swiftly add them to the cart. Changes have also been made to support the upcoming enhancements to Roles and Permissions. These changes will be rolled out in the next few weeks. Stay tuned for more updates!
Version 3.3.1
Bug fixWe have fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.3.0
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.2.3
EnhancementYou can now restrict warehouse access to the users of your choice. We have also fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.2.2
Bug fixWe squashed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the application.
Version 3.2.1
NewIn this update, we have included a pop-up to notify you whenever a new version of the application is available. We have also fixed a few bugs to offer a seamless experience.
Version 3.2.0
EnhancementWe have enhanced the user interface for scanning item barcodes using the application. The new UI will display the details of the item scanned in a popup before adding them to the cart.
Version 3.1.0
EnhancementWe have introduced support to select custom print receipts from the application. The Settings page is also revamped to enhance the user experience.
The Official Launch of Zakya in India
Version 3.0.0
NewWe now support Branches and Warehouses in the mobile application to help track inventory and manage sales across various locations. You can go ahead and select an appropriate branch while logging in to the application. We have also introduced Sessions and Cash Tracking in the app to help track the sales and cash activities that took place at a particular interval.
Version 2.2.2
EnhancementWe made changes to support upcoming POS preferences, and fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.2.1
Bug fixWe made a few changes to enhance the security of the application.
Version 2.2.0
NewWe introduced an option to apply price lists either to the item or to the total bill amount. You can also set a default price list which will be applied to all transactions automatically.
Version 2.1.4
Bug fixWe fixed an issue related to the width of default print profiles for three-inch printers.
Version 2.1.3
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.1.2
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.1.1
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs related to the font on iPad devices and enhanced the overall experience.
Version 2.1.0
NewThe app now supports all the POS preferences configured to the sales cart, mandating customer mapping for an invoice, and hiding out-of-stock items.
Version 2.0.1
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs and enhanced the user interface to offer a seamless experience.
Version 2.0
NewIn this update, we introduced the following:
- Extended support for custom tenders created in the web application to be available in the iOS app. You can use them to receive payments from customers.
- Access resources, or get in touch with our support team right from the Help and Support option available in the main menu.
- Discounts can now be applied to items inclusive of tax while processing a sale.
- Long press an item to get detailed information in the items list view and in the cart.
Version 1.0.0
NewWe launched the beta version of the Zakya application for iOS.
Version 3.5.0
EnhancementWe improved the user interface and fixed a few bugs to improve the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.4.14
EnhancementWe made some changes to the user interface to improve the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.4.13
Bug fixWe have fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.4.12
Bug fixWe have fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.4.11
Bug fixWe have fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.4.10
Bug fixWe have fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.4.9
Bug fixWe have fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.4.8
EnhancementWe have made a few enhancements to boost the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.4.7
EnhancementWe have made minor enhancements to print receipts and fixed some bugs to enhance the user experience.
Version 3.4.6
Bug fixWe have fixed a bug to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.4.5
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs and improved the user interface to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.4.4
EnhancementYou can now share feedback, chat with support, request features, and report issues directly from your mobile application.
We have also improved the user interface of Help & Support to enhance the user experience.
Version 3.4.3
EnhancementWe made some enhancements to prevent full sync failures and also fixed a few bugs to improve the overall user experience.
Version 3.4.2
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs and improved the user interface to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.4.1
Bug fixWe fixed a bug to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.4.0
NewZakya now allows you to seamlessly connect thermal printers using USB, Bluetooth, and Ethernet connections, eliminating the need for any additional applications. Whether you prefer the reliability of a USB connection, the flexibility of Bluetooth, or the network capabilities of Ethernet, Zakya has you covered.
Version 3.3.2
NewYou can create unique barcodes for items based on their weight and swiftly add them to the cart.
This feature will be rolled out in the next few weeks. Stay up to date!
Version 3.3.1
EnhancementThis version of Zakya brings you the following enhancements to ease your billing experience:
- Confirm or decline pending sales orders from sales channels such as Zoho Commerce.
- Edit the shipping address of confirmed sales orders.
- Close door delivery and store pickup orders and invoices and revert them if necessary.
Version 3.3.0
EnhancementWe have made changes to support the upcoming enhancement to Roles and Permissions.
Version 3.2.0
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.1.7
Bug fixWe fixed a bug to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.1.6
EnhancementWe completely revamped the UI of the built-in barcode scanner and included sounds to indicate successful and failed scans.
Version 3.1.5
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.1.4
Bug fixWe fixed a few errors to enhance the overall performance of the application.
Version 3.1.3
Bug fixWe fixed a bug to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.1.2
Bug fixWe squashed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the application.
Version 3.1.1
EnhancementIn this update, we introduced the following:
- Print profiles now include both organization and branch names.
- Warehouse access can be restricted to the users of your choice.
We also fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 3.1.0
NewIn this update, we have included a pop-up to notify you whenever a new version of the application is available. We have also fixed a few bugs to offer a seamless experience.
Version 3.0.0
NewGreetings, Zakya users!
This latest version brings you some exciting features!
- The Sales module has been renamed to Cart.
- Create both orders and invoices based on your requirements.
- Associate a salesperson with orders and invoices and track their performance.
- Load sales orders at checkout and generate an invoice.
- Add, edit, and choose an address for delivery.
- View orders and invoices with details like payment status, delivery status, amount, and more on the Orders and Invoices screen.
Version 2.5.2
Bug fixWe squashed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the application.
Version 2.5.1
EnhancementWe have introduced an option to apply bill discounts in amount for both tax-inclusive and tax-exclusive items.
Version 2.5.0
NewWe have introduced the Sessions and Cash Tracking feature, which allows the user to monitor sales and cash transactions that occur during a salesperson's shift and generate a summary of those transactions for the user.
Version 2.4.3
EnhancementIn this update, we have made the following changes:
- You can now add up to six digits for fields in the Manage Cart window. When the Quantity of an item is between 0 and 1, the values can be represented as decimal.
- The payment status will be displayed for a few more seconds in the application.
We have also fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.4.2
Bug fixWe have improved the clarity of the bills printed from the app and fixed an issue to prevent sudden crashes.
Version 2.4.1
Bug fixWe fixed a bug to enhance the overall experience of the application.
The Official Launch of Zakya in India
Version 2.4.0
EnhancementWe have revamped the user interface of the app to offer a seamless billing experience. This includes changes to the custom tender keyboard and a completely revamped Setting page.
Version 2.3.6
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs and made changes to the user interface to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.3.5
NewWe made changes to support upcoming POS preferences, and fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.3.4
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.3.3
EnhancementWe made a few changes to enhance the security of the application.
Version 2.3.2
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs related to synchronizing offline bills from the application.
Version 2.3.1
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall experience of the application.
Version 2.3.0
NewWe introduced an option to apply price lists either to the item or to the total bill amount. You can also set a default price list which will be applied to all transactions automatically.
Version 2.2.2
Bug fixWe fixed a couple of issues related to print templates and the transaction details page to enhance the experience.
Version 2.2.1
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs and enhanced the performance while processing the transactions from the app.
Version 2.2.0
EnhancementThe app now supports all POS preferences configured to the sales cart, mandating customer mapping for an invoice, and hiding out-of-stock items.
Version 2.1.0
EnhancementWe added new print receipt templates to help with personalized content based on your requirements. We also extended support to select custom print receipts in the application.
Version 2.0.1
NewWe fixed a few bugs related to connecting Bluetooth printers and enhanced the overall experience.
Version 2.0.0
NewWe now support branches and warehouses in the mobile application. You can go ahead and select an appropriate branch while logging in to the application.
Version 1.2.0
NewStart receiving payments through dynamic UPI QR codes or with your EDC devices right from your application.
Version 1.1.4
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the app.
Version 1.1.3
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the app.
Version 1.1.2
Bug fixWe fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the app.
Version 1.1.1
EnhancementYou can now apply discounts to items inclusive of tax while processing a sale. You can also now access resources or get in touch with our support team from the Help and Support option available in the main menu. We also fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the app.
Version 1.1.0
NewWe extended support for custom tenders created in the web application to be available in the Android app. We also fixed a few bugs to enhance the overall performance of the app.
Version 1.0.1
EnhancementWe enhanced the user experience while adding items to the cart.
Version 1.0.0
NewWe launched the beta version of the Zakya application for Android.