- Introduction
- OAuth
- HTTP Methods
- Response
- Errors
- Pagination
- Organizations
- Contacts
- Contact Persons
- Item Groups
- Items
- Composite Items
- Item Adjustments
- Transfer Orders
- Sales Orders
- Packages
- Shipment Orders
- Invoices
- Overview
- Create an invoice
- List invoices
- Update an invoice
- Get an invoice
- Delete an invoice
- Mark an invoice as sent
- Void an invoice
- Mark as draft
- Email an invoice
- Get invoice email content
- Email invoices
- Get payment reminder mail content
- Bulk export Invoices
- Bulk print invoices
- Disable payment reminder
- Enable payment reminder
- Write off invoice
- Cancel write off
- Update billing address
- Update shipping address
- List invoice templates
- Update invoice template
- List invoice payments
- List credits applied
- Apply credits
- Delete a payment
- Delete applied credit
- Add attachment to an invoice
- Update attachment preference
- Get an invoice attachment
- Delete an attachment
- Add comment
- List invoice comments & history
- Update comment
- Delete a comment
- Retainer Invoices
- Overview
- Create a retainerinvoice
- List a retainer invoices
- update a retainerinvoice
- Get a retainer invoice
- Delete a retainer invoice
- Mark a retainer invoice as sent
- Update retainer invoice template
- Void a retainer invoice
- Mark as draft
- Submit a retainer invoice for approval
- Approve a retainer invoice.
- Email a retainer invoice
- Get retainer invoice email content
- Update billing address
- List retainer invoice templates
- Add attachment to a retainer invoice
- Get a retainer invoice attachment
- Delete an attachment
- Add comment
- List retainer invoice comments & history
- Update comment
- Delete a comment
- Customer Payments
- Sales Returns
- Credit Notes
- Overview
- Create a credit note
- List all Credit Notes
- Update a credit note
- Get a credit note
- Delete a credit note
- Email a credit note
- Get email content
- Void a Credit Note
- Convert Credit Note to Draft.
- Convert credit note to Open
- Submit a credit note for approval
- Approve a credit note.
- Email history
- Update billing address
- Update Shipping address
- List the credit note templates
- Update a credit note template
- Apply credits to invoices
- List invoices credited
- Delete credits applied to an invoice
- Add a comment
- List credit note comments & history
- Delete a Comment
- List credit note refunds
- Refund credit note
- List refunds of a credit note
- Update credit note refund
- Get credit note refund
- Delete credit note refund
- Purchase Orders
- Purchase Receives
- Bills
- Vendor Credits
- Overview
- Create a vendor credit
- List vendor credits
- Update vendor credit
- Get vendor credit
- Delete vendor credit
- Convert to open
- Void vendor credit
- Submit a Vendor credit for approval
- Approve a Vendor credit
- Apply credits to a bill
- List bills credited
- Delete bills credited
- Refund a vendor credit
- List refunds of a vendor credit
- Update vendor credit refund
- Get vendor credit refund
- Delete vendor credit refund
- List vendor credit refunds
- Add a comment
- List vendor credit comments & history
- Delete a comment
- Warehouse Settings
- Price Lists
- Taxes
Errors - Zakya API
Zakya uses HTTP status codes to indicate success or failure of an API call. In general, status codes in the 2xx range means success, 4xx range means there was an error in the provided information, and those in the 5xx range indicate server side errors. Commonly used HTTP status codes are listed below.
HTTP Status Codes
Status Code | Description |
200 | Success The request was successfully completed. |
201 | Created The request was a success and one or more resources have been created. |
400 | Bad request The request cannot be performed. Usually because of malformed parameter or missing parameter. |
401 | Unauthorized (Invalid AuthToken) Request was rejected because of invalid AuthToken. |
404 | URL Not Found The URL you’ve sent is wrong. It’s possible that the resource you’ve requested has been moved to another URL. |
405 | Method Not Allowed The requested resource does not support the HTTP method used. For example, requesting List of all customers API with PUT as the HTTP method. |
429 | Too many requests Too many requests within a certain time frame. To know more about api call limits, click here. |
500 | Server error Zakya server encountered an error which prevents it from fulfilling the request. Although this rarely happens, we recommend you to contact us at support@zakya.com if you receive this error. |
curl https://api.zakya.com/v1/invoices/700000007942?authtoken=ba46xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoec5&organization_id=10234695
"code": 1002,
"message": "Invoice does not exist."