Edit purchase orders
The purchase order that you have created can be modified if required. Once any change is made, the purchase order should be sent to the vendor again. Otherwise, the vendor will still use the old purchase order and send an invoice for the same.
To edit purchase order
- Go to Purchases > Purchase Orders.
- Select a purchase order and click the Edit icon.
- Make the necessary changes and click Save and Send.
- Specify the From, Send to, CC, and Subject, and modify the email body as required and click Send.
Mark as issued
The purchase orders that are saved as draft can be marked as issued. This means that it has been sent to the vendor. For example, you may have sent a hard copy of the purchase order to the vendor. The same can be captured in POS system as well and marked as issued. This option will be available only if the purchase order is in the Draft state.
To mark as issued
- Go to the purchase orders module and select a record.
- Click More > Mark as issued.
Send Purchase order
This option lets you send the purchase order as an email. If the purchase order is in the draft state, it will automatically be changed to open once the email is sent to the vendor.
To send purchase order
- Go to the Purchase Orders module and select a record.
- Click Send Mail.
If you want to create a purchase order that is similar to an existing one, it can be cloned.
To clone a purchase order
- Go to the Purchase Orders module and select a record.
- Click More > Clone button.
- Enter the necessary information if required and click Save and Send or Save as Draft.
Convert to Bill
Once an invoice is issued by the vendor, the purchase order can be converted into a bill. This option will be available only if the purchase order is in draft or open state.
To convert a purchase order into bill
- Go to the Purchase Orders module and select a record.
- Click Convert to Bill button.
Alternatively, you can click More > Convert To Bill.
- Enter the necessary information and click Save as Open.
Mark as Received
When all the items are delivered by the vendor, it can be marked as received.
To mark as received
- Go to the purchase orders module and select a record.
- Click Receive.
- Enter the Purchase Receive Number.
You can also choose to auto generate the purchase receive number from Settings. - Select the Date and click Save.
Mark as Cancelled
When the vendor is not able to deliver the items mentioned in the purchase order, it can be completely cancelled. This is possible only if a bill isn't created and the items are not received.
To mark a purchase order as cancelled
- Go to the purchase orders module and select a record.
- Click More > Mark as Cancelled.
- Click Yes, following by Proceed in the popup.
Cancel Items
The items in the purchase order that is sent to the vendor can be cancelled. There might be scenarios where you may no longer need to purchase a particular item from the vendor, or there might be some errors in the purchase order, such as adding a wrong item or errors in the quantity of the item. In that case, the unwanted items can be cancelled. To cancel items, the purchase order must be partially billed or received.
To cancel items
- Go to the purchase orders module and select a record.
- Click More > Cancel Items.
- Enter the Quantity to Cancel and click Proceed.
View Bills
All the bills that have been created for a purchase order can be viewed.
To view bills
- Go to the Purchase Orders module and select a record.
- Click More > View Bills.
Alternatively, in the Comments & History section, you can click the View the Bill option to view a particular bill.
View and Filter
The list view helps you view the purchase orders that fulfill certain conditions or parameters, such as approved, billed, partially billed, and closed purchase orders. You can switch between various default views or create a new one based on your requirements.
To create a custom view
- In the Purchase Order module, select the Views drop-down list.
- Click + New Custom View.
- Enter the Name and specify the criteria.
- Hover over the fields in the Available Column and click the Add icon to view them in the List View.
- Specify who can access this view in the Share this with section.
- Click Save.
Sort Records
The purchase order can be sorted based on the following fields: Created Time, Date, Purchase Order Number, Vendor Name, Amount, Expected Delivery Date, and Last Modified time. To sort records, click the More icon in the Module list view and select the appropriate field.
Manage Preferences
In the preferences page, you can define your company's terms and conditions and notes that you would like to include in the purchase order.
To manage preferences
- In the Purchase Order module, click More > Preferences. Alternatively, you can go to Settings > Preferences and choose Purchase orders.
- Enter the Terms & Conditions and Notes, then click Save.
Customizing Fields
The fields in the module can be customized based on your requirements. Apart from the default fields, custom fields can be added to the purchase orders module. A maximum of 44 custom fields can be added.
To add custom fields
- Go to Settings > Preferences > Purchase Orders.
- Select the Field Customization tab and click + New Custom Field.
- Enter the label name (field name) and specify the date type from the drop-down list.
- Specify the default value to be displayed in the field, if required.
- Click Yes, if you want to the field to be mandatory.
- Click Yes if you want this field to be displayed in transactions and PDFs.
- Click Save.