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Mobile Store Preferences

Mobile Store preferences help users tailor the mobile store to their specific needs and customer requirements. Users can adjust their item, order and customer care related details.

These preferences will help you customize your store for your customers and provide them a better experience. You can modify these preferences at any moment, and it will take effect when your customers reload their current page or log in again.

To set these preferences, navigate to Sales Channels, then select Preferences in the Mobile Store module.


The following item preferences can be enabled or disabled:

  • Hide out of stock items: This helps you hide the zero-stock and negative-stock items to avoid your customers placing orders for the unavailable items.
  • Allow customers to enter the item quantity: Provide a provision for customers to enter their desired item quantity for any item to add it to the cart.
  • Display available stock count: Show the current stock of the item and help the customer make an informed decision.
  • Display stock count when the available quantity falls below 10: This helps you alert customers that these items will run out of stock soon.
  • Hide product price details: This helps you generate demand for your items by hiding their price.


These preferences will help you provide fulfillment type for the orders.

  • Enable delivery / Enable Pickup: This section helps you provide delivery and pickup options for your customers for orders placed through the mobile store.
  • Minimum order value for delivery / Minimum order value for pickup: Providing a minimum order value will ensure that you will make a decent profit from orders placed through the mobile store.

Customer Care Details

Sharing your contact details with your customers can foster trust, improve communication, and enhance customer satisfaction. These contact details will be available in the store's customer care section, or you can directly use them in the Need Help? section of the mobile store.

  • Customer Care Contact Number: Provide the contact number of the employee responsible for managing customer issues.
  • Customer Care Email Id: Provide the contact email address of the employee responsible for managing customer grievances.

Last modified 11m 25d ago