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Inventory Management - FAQs

FAQs on Inventory Management in Zakya provide quick answers and guidance for users on efficiently handling inventory within the Zakya POS system. They cover topics such as adding items, tracking stock, managing orders, and utilizing advanced features to streamline operations.


  • Why should I select an account for Sales Price and Purchase Price?

    Selecting an account for the Sales Price will help you track the sales of an item. Selecting an account for the Purchase Price will help you track the purchase made for items in Zakya.

  • How do I create a batch and track items based on it?

    To create a batch for a new item:

    • Open New Item.
    • Fill out the required details and enable Track Inventory for this item.
    • Select Track batches in Advanced Inventory Tracking.
    • Select the Inventory Account and provide the Opening Stock and Opening Stock Rate Per Unit for the opening batch.
    • Provide the BATCH REFERENCE number and QUANTITY IN to create the opening batch.
    • Multiple batches can also be created by clicking Add Batches. Batches can also be added for existing items by clicking Edit item.
    • Click Save.
  • What is the difference between opening stock and opening stock rate per unit?

    Opening Stock refers to the stock you have in hand when you start using Zakya. It remains fixed throughout that particular period. It is recommended that you record the opening stock for an item during the time of its creation.

    Opening Stock Rate Per Unit is the unit price of the same item given by you, which could be any price that will derive the Inventory Asset Value of the particular item. This value can be viewed in the Inventory Valuation Summary Reports.

  • What is the difference between the purchase price and the opening stock per unit?

    The Purchase Price or Cost Price is the price spent to procure an item from the vendor. Opening Stock Rate Per Unit is the unit price of the same item given by the owner, which could be any price, even the purchase price, which will derive the Inventory Asset Value of the particular item. This value can be viewed in the Inventory Valuation Summary in Reports.

  • How do I upload items in bulk?

    You can upload the items in bulk by using the import data option. If you have an existing item datasheet, you can directly import the data and make changes to it, or you can also download a sample file to update the item details and upload it.

  • How do I create an item barcode for individual and bulk items?

    To create a barcode for individual or bulk items, navigate to Settings > Templates > Item Barcodes, then click Enable Item Barcode.

    Once enabled, you will have default templates that you edit and change based on your preference, or you can create your own barcode.

    To create a barcode for a single item:

    • Go to Inventory moduleItem. Select an item and click Generate Barcode.
    • In the Generate Barcode screen, select the Barcode template and Barcode Generation Field from the drop-down list.
    • Click Generate and Save.

    To create a barcode for bulk items:

    • Go to Inventory module > Items.
    • Pick multiple items, then select Print Barcode from Bulk Edit option.
    • In the Generate Barcode screen, select the Barcode template and Barcode Generation Field from the drop-down list.
    • Click Generate and Save.
  • How do I view stocks of an item for multiple locations and branches?

    • To check the stock of any item, go to Inventory module > Items, then select an item.
    • Scroll down in the item's Overview section to view Store Locations.
    • In Store Locations, you can switch between Accounting stock and Physical Stock to view the Stock on Hand, Committed Stock, and the Available for Sale of the item.
  • How do I track the Serial Number of items?

    To map a serial number for a new item:

    • Open New Item.
    • Fill out the required details and enable Track Inventory for this item.
    • Select Track Serial Number in Advanced Inventory Tracking.
    • Select Inventory Account and provide Opening Stock and Opening Stock Rate Per Unit.
    • Provide the serial number for each unit of the opening stock. For example, if the opening stock is five, five serial numbers should be added.
      For existing items, the same steps can be followed by selecting Edit Item.
  • How do I enable default tax rates?

    Navigate to Settings > Taxes > Default tax preference.
    In the Default Tax Preference screen, select the Interstate tax and Intrastate tax percentage from the dropdown list. The taxes present in the dropdown list need to be created.

  • How do I adjust stock for negative stock items?

    Stock adjustments can be made on any item regardless of its current stock status, whether positive or negative. For example, if you adjust an item with a negative stock of -20 to 100 units, the resulting stock on hand for this item would be 80 units.

  • How do I disable negative stock?

    • Navigate to Settings > Preferences > Items.
    • Under Advanced Inventory tracking, enable Prevent stock from going below zero.

Item Groups

  • What are attributes in an item group?

    • Navigate to Settings > Preferences > Items.
    • Under Advanced Inventory tracking, enable Prevent stock from going below zero.
  • What is the difference between attributes and categories of items?

    Item categories are broad classifications of products, grouping them based on shared characteristics, functions, or intended uses. They assist in organizing inventories, making navigation easier for customers, and making inventory management more efficient for businesses. Examples include electronics, clothing, books, and home appliances, serving high-level classification and browsing purposes.

    In contrast, item attributes detail specific characteristics of individual items within categories. They include features like size, color, weight, dimensions, material, model number, and price. These attributes empower customers to make informed purchasing decisions and enable businesses to manage inventory, pricing, and search filtering.

    For example, a ceiling fan can come under the electronics category, and it has Color as one of the attributes, under which it has four color options. So when billing, the ceiling fan can be found under the Category (Electronics). Based on the customer choice, the color option will be selected for billing.

  • How do I upload an item group in bulk?

    Uploading item groups is the same as uploading items in bulk. The only difference is that you need to fill in additional columns for Attributes and their Options for every Item Group.

  • Does every item under item group have different SKU code?

    Yes, every item under item group has a unique SKU code.

  • Can I deactivate a particular item in an item group?

    Yes, you can.

    To mark an item as inactive:

    • Go to the Item Groups module and select an item group.
    • Select an item and click More then Mark as Inactive.

      You can follow these steps to mark an item as Active.

Composite Items

  • Do I need to create a bundle for composite items?

    Yes, you need to do so if you want the stock to be deducted from the existing item stock of the items mapped to the composite item. Otherwise, composite items can only be sold if they have an opening stock, which operates independently from the existing items mapped to it. It's also important to note that the quantity of the bundle cannot surpass the maximum quantity of any individual item within the composite item.

  • How do I adjust stocks of the items used in Composite Items?

    • Go to the Composite Items module and select the composite item.
    • Click More and select Adjust Stock from the drop-down list.
    • In the Adjust Stock page, select Quantity Adjustment and fill out the necessary details.
    • Click Convert to Adjusted to adjust the stock of the composite item.


  • How do I create a parent category and child category chain?

    To create a parent category:

    • Go to the Categories Module and select New.
    • In the Add Category screen, enter the name of the parent category in the Category Name field, optionally add an image of the parent category, and click Save.

    To create a child category, In the Add Category screen, enter the name of the child category in the Category Name field, select the Parent Category from the drop-down list, optionally add an image of the child category, and click Save.

  • How many images can be added for a category?

    Only one image can be added for both parent and child categories.

Price lists

  • How do I enable the Price list?

    To enable Price list:

    • Navigate to Settings > Preferences > Items.
    • Click the Enable Price Lists check box in the Price Lists section, then click Save.
      When you refresh the page, the Price Lists module will be displayed under Inventory.
  • How do I map the default price list?

    • Go to the Price Lists module and click the Default price list for Retail transactions.
    • In the Assign the Default Price List for Retail Transactions screen, select the Default Price List from the drop-down list and click Save.
  • Can a price list be mapped to regular customers and b2b customers?

    Yes, you can map a price list to regular customers and B2B customers (vendors). Please refer to this help document to understand the steps involved.

  • Can free trial customers get the Price List as an add-on?

    No, the Price List is not available as a separate add-on. You need to be subscribed to the paid version of Zakya to use the Price List.

  • How do I implement a discount to all items?

    To provide a unified discount for all the items

    • Navigate to Inventory > Price Lists.
    • Click + New Price List.
    • Enter the Name in the New Price List page.
    • Choose to Markdown the item rates by percentage.
      • Choose Markdown from the dropdown list and enter the percentage in the Percentage field.
      • Select the appropriate option from the Round off to dropdown list.
    • Click Save.


  • What is the FIFO cost of lot tracking?

    FIFO cost lot tracking diligently monitors inventory using the 'First In, First Out' system, enabling accurate valuation of inventory. Essentially, under FIFO, the oldest inventory items are sold first, regardless of the actual sales order. In Zakya's operations, items received initially, whether through opening stock or subsequent purchases, are depleted first, adhering to the FIFO principle.

    To access the FIFO cost of lot tracking, navigate to Reports > Inventory > FIFO cost of lot tracking. This report provides detailed insights into PRODUCT IN and PRODUCT OUT data. PRODUCT IN displays all inventory adjustments made to the product along with its current stock quantity. PRODUCT OUT details all purchases corresponding to the product.

  • What is the difference between Adjust Stock and Inventory Adjustment?

    Through the Adjust Stock option, you can update the stock details of individual items or composite items. However, within the Inventory Adjustment module, you have the capability to adjust the stock details of multiple items or composite items, or a combination of both, if the adjustment shares the same date, account, and reason. Additionally, there is an option to import data in bulk.

Last modified 1y ago