A bill holds the record of items purchased from the vendor along with the quantity and price. It is the amount that you owe and can be added to Zakya in the Bills module. The bill payment can also be captured. If it isn't paid within the due date, the bill will be marked as overdue.
There are two ways to add purchase orders in Zakya.
- Adding manually
- Importing
Adding bills manually
In the Bills module, the following fields have to be filled in order to create a Bill in Zakya:
- Vendor Name: Select the vendor for whom the bill is payable.
- Bill Number: Specify a unique identification number for a bill.
- Bill Date: The date when the bill is created can be specified.
- Due Date: The date by which the bill has to be paid.
- Payment Terms: It is the condition given by the vendor on when the payment has to be completed. For example, if the payment term is NET 45, then the customer expects the payment within 45 days from the date when the invoice was generated.
- Adding items: The items procured from the vendor for which a bill be being created can be selected in this section. You can further specify the quantity, rate, tax, amount, and more. You can add the items individually or in bulk.
- Include open purchase orders: Items from a purchase order can be included in the bill when it is being created for a vendor with the purchase order status as open. A single bill can be created for multiple purchase orders.
- Discount: The discount offered by the vendor can be specified here. It can either be in rupees or percentage.
- Adjustments: The total can be modified or adjusted based on the values specified here. You can either enter a positive or negative value here.
- Any additional information that you would like to add to the bill can be specified here. This will not be captured in the PDF.
To create a bill
- Go to Purchases > Bills.
- Click + New.
- Select the Vendor Name from the drop-down list.
- Enter the Bill #.
- Specify the Bill Date and Due Date.
- Select the Payment Terms from the drop-down list.
- Select the items from the Item Details column.
You can click Add another line in order to add another item. - To add items in bulk, do the following:
- Click + Add items in Bulk.
- Select the items from the left and specify the quantity of each item.
- Click Add Items.
- Click + Add items in Bulk.
- Specify the Discount and Adjustment if applicable.
- Enter Notes, if any.
- Click Upload file to add attachments to the bill.
You can attach files from the desktop or cloud. - Click Change next to the template field to select a different template.
- Click Save as Draft to save the Bill.
- Click Save as Open to save the bill with the status as Open.
Associate purchase orders with bill
Items part of a purchase order that and are yet to be delivered by the vendor can be included in a bill. If there are any purchase orders with their status as open for a vendor, the option Include 'n' open purchase orders will be displayed below the item details section.
- All the purchase orders associated with the chosen vendor will only be displayed.
To include purchase orders
- In the New Bill page, select the vendor from the drop-down list.
- Click the Include 'n' Open Purchase Orders option.
- Select the purchase orders and click Add.
- Enter the other information and click Save as Draft or Save as Open.
Creating Bills from Purchase Orders
The purchase orders with status as Open can be converted into a bill.
To create a bill
- Go to Inventory Management > Purchase Orders.
- Select the purchase order.
- Click Convert to Bill or More > Convert to Bill.
- The Vendor Name, Item Details, and other information will be auto populated.
- Modify or enter the required information and click Save as Draft or Save as Open.
- When some of the items in the purchase order are received, you can convert them into a bill from the Receives tab in the purchase order details page.
To convert as bill
- Go to Purchases > Purchase Orders.
- Click Convert to Bill.
- Enter the required information and click Save as Draft or Save as Open.
Bill status
- Draft: This means that changes are expected and the bill is not final. The data entered here will not affect the stock, inventory, report, or other details.
- Open: Bills that are yet to be paid will be in this state.
- Overdue: The due date of the bill has passed without payment being made to the vendor.
- Partially Paid: The amount paid is less than the total amount in the bill, then it is termed as partially paid.
- Paid: The total amount of the bill has been paid.
- Void: This means that the bills are not valid.