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Actions that can be performed on item groups

Efficiently manage item groups: edit details, mark as active/inactive, add/remove items, move between groups, and delete items. View and filter groups by activity status, and sort them by created time or name for streamlined organization.


In the Item Groups module, you can select an item and click the Edit button to make changes.

Mark as Inactive

An item group can be marked as inactive when it is temporarily unavailable and you don't want it to be billed by the cashier at the POS. This will mark all the items present in the item group as inactive.

To mark an item group as inactive

  • Go to the Item Groups module and select an item group.
  • Click More > Mark as Inactive.

    You can do the same to mark an item as Active.
    Alternatively, you can select multiple item groups and clic Mark as Active or Mark as Inactive.

Add an item to the item group

To add an item to the item group

  • Go to the Item Groups module and select an item group.
  • Click Add Item.
  • Enter the Item Information and click Save.

Mark an item as inactive

Items present in the item group can be marked as inactive if they're not available for the customer at the store.

To mark an item as inactive

  • Go to the Item Groups module and select an item group.
  • Select an item and click More > Mark as Inactive.
  • You can do the same to mark an item as Active.

Move an item to another group

An item present in a group can easily be moved to another item group.

To move an item to another group

  • Go to the Item Groups module and select an item group.
  • Select an item and click More > Move to another group.
  • Select the Destination Group from the drop-down list.
  • Specify the item's attributes.
    You can either select an attribute from the drop-down list or specify a value.
  • Click Move.

Remove an item from the item group

An item present in the item group can be removed anytime. This action will only remove the item from the group, and it can still be accessed from the items module.

To remove an item from an item group

  • Go to the Item Groups module and select an item group.
  • Select an item and click More > Remove from Item Group.
  • Click Remove in the popup.

Delete an item

Deleting an item from the item group will permanently remove the item from the Items and the Item Groups module.

To delete an item

  • Go to the Item Groups module and select an item group.
  • Select an item and click More > Delete.
  • Click Delete in the popup.


  • Items with Opening Stock can't be deleted. You can only mark the item as inactive.

View and Filter

The list view is where you can see all the records that are present in the Item Groups module. You can switch between three different types of list views:

  • All Item Groups: All the item groups present in Zakya will be displayed.
  • Active Item Groups: Only the item groups that are marked as active will be displayed. Active item groups are the ones that are available for the customer to purchase from the store.
  • Inactive Item Groups: Only the item groups that are marked as inactive will be displayed. Inactive item groups are the ones that are not available for the customer to purchase from the store.

    You can also click the Toggle List View button to view all the items present in the item groups.

Sort Item Groups

The item groups can be sorted based on created time and name. To sort item groups, click the More icon and select Created Time or Name. You can also select the up/down arrows to sort the item groups in ascending and descending order, respectively.

Last modified 1y ago