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Purchases and Sales Channels - FAQs

FAQs on purchases and sales channels provide users with concise answers and tips for effectively managing procurement and sales within the Zakya POS system. Topics include sourcing vendors, placing orders, inventory management, setting up sales channels, and integrating external platforms.


  • How do I link a customer to a vendor?

    • Navigate to Purchase module > Vendors, then select your vendor.
    • Click More > Link to customer.
    • Select a customer from the drop-down list and click Link.
  • How do I add a bank account for a Vendor?

    • Navigate to Purchase module > Vendor then select your vendor.
    • Click More and select Add Bank Account.
    • In the Add Bank Account details screen, fill out the required details and click Save.
  • How do I send a customized email to my vendor?

    • Navigate to Purchase module > Vendor then select your vendor.
    • Click More and select Email Vendor.
    • Fill out the required details and click Send.

      You can also attach documents to this email.
  • Purchase Orders

  • Can I create a purchase order for stock items?

    Yes, purchase orders can be created for any item irrespective of its current stock.

  • How do I import a purchase order?

    • Navigate to Purchase module → Purchase Orders.
    • Click the three-dotted icon and select Import Purchase Orders.
    • In Purchase Orders - Select file, you can upload the purchase orders in bulk through XLS, CSV or TSV file and map fields.
  • Can I add a price list and discounts for purchase orders?

    Yes, you can add price lists and discounts for purchase orders.

  • How do I close a purchase order?

    A purchase order is closed upon fulfilling any one of these three conditions.

    • When a Purchase Receive is recorded
    • When a Bill is created
    • When Receives and Bills are recorded

    To set this condition for the purchase orders:

    • NNavigate to Settings > Preference > Purchase Orders
    • Select any of the above-mentioned conditions in the When do you want your Purchase Orders to be closed? section, then click Save.

      Once enabled, you can close a purchase order by fulfilling the condition.
  • How do I partial cancel items on my issued purchase order?

    • Navigate to Purchase module > Purchase Orders, then select your purchase order.
    • Click More and select Cancel Items.
    • In the Cancel Items screen, you can remove the item or its quantities and click Proceed.
  • Purchase Receives

  • How do I record a partial receive on a open purchase order?

    • Navigate to Purchase module > Purchase order, then select your preferred purchase order and click Receive.
    • In the New Purchase Receive screen, fill out required details and make changes to the items and click Save.
  • What is a purchase receive?

    A purchase receive is a document that is used to record the items that are delivered or yet to be delivered by your vendor to you. It helps you keep track of the items you receive from your vendors. These purchases can be converted into bills and sent to the vendor at any time.

  • What is a Intransit receive?

    Purchase orders that are yet to be delivered but shipped by the vendors will be marked as Intransit Receive.

  • Bills

  • How do I record payment for a bill?

    • Navigate to Purchase module > Bills, then select your preferred bill and click Record Payment.
    • In the Record Payment screen, fill out the required details and click Save.
  • How do I convert multiple purchase orders of a customer into a single bill?

    • Navigate to Purchase module > Bill, click on New+
    • In the New Bill, select your vendor and fill out the required details.
    • Scroll down to the Item table and click on Include puchase orders.
    • In the Open Purchase Orders screen, pick the purchase orders and click Add.
    • Click Save as Open.
  • Payments Made

  • How do I mail the payment details to the Vendor?

    • Navigate to Purchase module > Payments Made, then select your payment and click on Mail.
    • In the Mail, make necessary changes and click Send.
  • Can I record a partial payment against my vendor?

    Yes, you can record a partial payment against your vendor.

  • Can I record an advance payment I’ve made to a vendor?

    Yes, you can record the advance payment made to the vendor in the Vendor Advance of Payment Records.

  • Credit Note

  • What is Vendor Credit?

    Vendor Credits are credits that you receive from your vendor as an equivalent of the amount that they owe you. With vendor credits, you can track this amount until it is paid by the vendor, refunded, or applied to other bills of the vendor.

  • How do I import refunds?

    • Navigate to Purchase module > Vendor Credits.
    • Click on the three dotted icon and select Import Refunds.
    • In the Import Refunds - Select file screen, you can upload the refund data in XLS, CSV or TSV file and make changes to it.
  • Sales Channels

  • How do I download the Zakya POS desktop application?

    Navigate to Sales Channels > Billing apps, then click on Download on Windows.

  • Is Zakya POS desktop application available for Mac OS?

    No, Zakya POS desktop application currently not supported in Mac OS.

  • Can I download Zakya's Express checkout application from both Playstore and Appstore?

    Yes, you can download Zakya Express checkout application from both Playstore and Appstore as it is supported for both Android and IOS.

  • Can I add a GST number of business customer in Zakya desktop application?

    Yes, you can add a GST number of business customer in Zakya desktop application. PAN number will become GST number field once you select the appropriate customer type as in the Add customer screen.

  • Preferences

  • How do I hide the out of stock items?

    Navigate to Sales Channels > Preferences > Enable Hide Out of Stock items in the Others section and click Save.

  • How do I restrict users from billing invoices without customer details?

    Navigate to Sales Channels > Preferences > Enable Mandate customer mapping for an invoice in the Customer Preference section and click Save.

  • Registers

  • What are registers and how to increase registers?

    Registers serve as counters responsible for the direct collection of customer and sales data. Empowered with registers, salespersons at the counter not only handle payment transactions but also gather valuable customer information. Initially, a single register is provided by default; to increase the registers, users can purchase them as add-ons to add or activate new registers.

  • What is the relationship between users, registers and Organisation?

    Organization is the business account. A single organization may have multiple branches, and each branch will have warehouses. An Organisation may have multiple users and registers too.

    Users are employees who are part of the Organisation. Based on their role permissions, users can make changes to the Organization.

    Registers are counters used for billing, and they act as a data collection point for both customers and sales. To use a register, a user must be created.

  • How to switch from one counter to another using the same user login?

    To switch from one counter to another with the same user, you need to remove the mapping of the device from the register and logout from the device. Once logged out, the register returns to an open state and will be ready for mapping. Now you can use the same user ID to login to another device with the open register. Click here to learn more about the steps of mapping and unmapping the registers.

Last modified 1y ago